Notification System
In today’s world, the overwhelming amount of information and distractions can drive anyone crazy and often make us forget important things. Sometimes, even forgetting a small task (like selecting additional properties for a client by Friday) can result in financial losses.
This leads to hundreds of missed tasks over the year. And over the years, these small missed opportunities can cost a fortune!
An all-encompassing notification system is the solution!
A comprehensive reminder system can cover a wide range of critical functions!

With this system in place, employees won’t forget to:
• Receive task reminders.
• Notify managers about their actions or inactions.
• Get reminded of important events and be prompted to complete them.

Notifications are sent through all possible channels, including:
- Telegram
- Computer notifications
- Phone calls
- Google Tasks
- And more—until the employee completes the required action, such as making a call.
If the employee ignores the notification for, say, 30 minutes, a follow-up notification is automatically sent to their manager.